How It Works
Coaching Models
Teacher Experience
Admin Experience
The Result of 20 Years of Research on Simplifying Transformative​ Practices
ExCELL has been evaluated using randomized control trials (RCTs) and the results consistently show:
- Teacher quality as measured by the CLASS significantly improves
- Children’s vocabulary knowledge significantly improves on standardized measures
- Children learn 90% of the words they are taught in classrooms where teachers use the ExCELL strategies
Self-paced learning modules
ExCELL’s learning modules introduce lead and assistant teachers to evidence-based strategies to build children’s language and early literacy skills. The most important language development research is explained clearly and simply so teachers can easily understand how to apply it to their practice. ExCELL includes 6 learning modules for lead teachers and 4 for assistant teachers.
Each module includes:
- an introduction to the topic (e.g. developing vocabulary)
- an explanation of specific strategies to be implemented by the teachers in classrooms
- videos showing exemplary educators using the strategies in their classrooms
- frequent checks for understanding
Teachers complete one module per month. The remaining months of the school year are dedicated to additional coaching and practice.
1-on-1 virtual coaching, all year round
After each module, teachers implement the strategies in their own classrooms with the support of their coach. Teachers record a lesson in their classroom and upload the video to the private and secure ExCELL portal. Their coach views the video and provides feedback within the week via a written summary sent over email and a real-time video conference. In addition, teachers receive individualized texts or emails from their coach, reminding them to use the strategies, as well as a second monthly coaching session to help teachers feel confident in their practice.

Library of instructional resources
We’ve selected high-quality children’s books and created the accompanying resources so teachers can focus on implementing effective practices. Teachers receive printed and electronic resources in multiple languages, including:
- reading guides and vocabulary cards
- small group / center activities
- weekly family newsletters that are available in multiple languages
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Choose the Model That Works for You
Train-the-Trainer Model
ExCELL master coaches train your coaches to implement ExCELL. In this model, your coaches go through the ExCELL training prior to coaching and meet with ExCELL coaches to discuss the content. ExCELL master coaches then meet weekly/biweekly with your coach to review the videos and feedback of teachers whom your coach is coaching. ExCELL master coaches provide expertise to your coach(es) in helping teachers to implement ExCELL with fidelity.
Teachers Work with ExCELL Coaches
ExCELL coaches meet with your teachers biweekly as teachers work through the instructional modules and upload videos for review. The ExCELL coaches provide feedback and support to scaffold teachers’ learning and implementation of the ExCELL strategies in the classroom.
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The Teacher Experience

Personalized support that adapts to their schedule

Accelerates children’s language skills
Research has shown several teaching strategies that teachers of young children can use in all kinds of classroom activities to see dramatic changes in their students’ language abilities.
However, too often teachers have not have not been provided with the support they need to promote children’s language skills.
ExCELL empowers early educators to set up all students for learning and reading success, especially dual language learners.
You deserve to know the research-based strategies to elevate your practice. But knowing is not enough—you need the opportunity to try out these strategies in your classrooms and master them with the support of an encouraging and experienced coach. ​
With ExCELL, your coach’s work is not done until you feel confident and are implementing the strategies with fidelity. As a result, you will be providing high-quality language development support for all your young learners and fostering their future reading skills.

Simple yet powerful strategies you can use with students tomorrow
Take the guesswork out of reaching dual language learners.

Join the community of teachers using ExCELL
Teachers who have completed ExCELL professional development rate it as very effective in:
- Content of learning modules
- Coaching
- Supporting classroom instruction
- Supporting dual language learners’ language skills
- Materials (modules, vocabulary cards, reading guides, etc.)
(Data is from 2019-20 and 2020-21 effectiveness surveys.)
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ExCELL meets Head Start and Common Core standards
The Administrator Experience

Put language and literacy research into practice
With 9 months of consistent practice supported by individualized coaching, state-of-the-art strategies become second nature to teachers and assistant teachers alike.

Inspire teachers with PD they love
ExCELL teachers report that ExCELL training taught them strategies that helped them become more effective teachers. The training allowed them to self-reflect on their practice, learn more about how children learn language, and facilitate all children’s language learning, especially dual language learners.

Watch student develop foundational skills needed to be successful readers
​Training both PreK and K teachers ensures a cross-grade articulation in teacher training and supports a seamless transition in teaching children’s readiness skills.

Boost teacher retention
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